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深 圳 市 點 金 貴 金 屬 精 煉 有 限 公 司
Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd.
Procedure Document
文件名稱: 黃金白銀負責任采購申訴程序
Document name: Responsible Gold and Silver Procurement Complaint Procedure
Document No.: DJJL/B-007-2023
Version: A
1 Purpose
為加強深圳市點金貴金屬精煉有限公司黃金/白銀供應鏈合規性管理,根據 《LBMA負責任黃金/白銀指南》的要求,確保公司的供應鏈無侵犯人權、洗錢及恐怖分子籌資等行為。公司制定了含黃金/白銀物料和銷售審查制度,凡公司的供應商都應配合公司盡職調查小組的審查。各供應商應遵守國家相關法律法規,對供應的黃金/白銀確保來源和去向合規。允許公司黃金/白銀供應鏈中的利益相關方(受影響人員或舉報者)對采礦、貿易、加工和出口的過程中存在/潛在存在的風險進行申訴并確保得到妥善處理。
The Company has established a review system for materials containing Gold and Silver and sales in accordance with the requirements of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance to strengthen the compliance management of Gold and Silver supply chain of Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. and ensure that supply chain of the Company is free from human rights violations, money laundering and terrorist financing. All suppliers of the Company shall cooperate with the Due Diligence Team of the Company for review. All suppliers shall abide by relevant national laws and regulations and ensure the compliance of the source and destination of Gold and Silver supplied. Stakeholders (affected persons or whistleblowers) in the Gold and Silver supply chain of the Company shall be allowed to complain about the existing/potential risks in the process of mining, trade, processing and export and it shall be ensured that such complaints are handled properly.
2 Basis
LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance, LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Supply Chain Due Diligence Management System, and Supply Chain Policy of Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd.
3. Scope of application
The Procedure is applicable to any internal and external stakeholders involved in the responsible Gold and/or Silver procurement supply chain of the Company,including any organization, government organization, non-governmental organization, individual, etc.
4 管理機構及職責
4 Management organization and duties
The Company has established a Complaint Handling Team composed of Compliance Control Director, Compliance Risk Control Officer and Compliance Officer, and the team is responsible for handling complaints.
5 工作程序
5 Working procedure
5.1 Collection of complaint information
The Company has established contact/complaint channels:
合規總監 郭子成 0755-25508906 guozicheng@pointgold.com
Compliance Director: GuoZicheng 0755-25508906 guozicheng@163.com
合規風控官 黃靜 0755-25508906 huangjing@pointgold.com
Compliance Risk Control Officer: Huang Jing 0755-25508906 huangjing@pointgold.com
It is published on the official website of Shenzhen Point Gold Precious Metals Co., Ltd. (http://www.mashylw.com/news/lbmareport/165.html) with telephone and e-mail addresses provided to receive relevant inquiries and complaints. The Compliance Officer of the Company will regularly check them.
Information will be received at work from interested parties on concerns about responsible supply chain in connection with mining, trade, processing and export.
5.2 Complaint contents
When interested parties lodge a complaint against supply chain management of the Company, the complaint shall include the following contents:
Specify the decision against which the complaint is lodged and the reasons;
Attach relevant written evidence;
Specify the steps taken to solve the problem before lodging a complaint;
5.3 申訴信息的分類
5.3 Classification of complaint information
The Company shall classify and identify the received inquiry and complaint information, and the complaint information is divided into general information, special/important complaint information and inadmissible information.
5.3.1 General information: related parties’ consultation on the Company’s responsible mineral supply chain management, suppliers’ questionnaires, etc.
5.3.2 特殊或重要申訴信息:
5.3.2 Special or important complaint information:
Information for management not conforming to LBMA requirements;
Information of mineral procurement from suppliers involving high-risk areas identified by the Company;
Information of mineral procurement from suppliers not conforming to supply chain policy of the Company.
5.3.3 Inadmissible information:
Petty, malicious, unreasonable or complaint seemingly for the purpose of gaining a competitive advantage.
Complaints not supported by convincing objective evidence.
5.4 申訴的處理
5.4 Handling of complaint
5.4.1 About anonymous complaint
Anonymous complaint is supported. The Complaint Handling Team shall not disclose the complainant’s information to anyone outside the team and keep confidential the contents of the complaint that may involve information of the complainant. If the contents of the complaint have interest with members of the team, the team shall immediately require the members to withdraw. If any retaliation against the complainant is found, the Company will seriously handle relevant employees in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association. If they are suspected of violating laws and committing crimes, the case will be reported and referred to the judiciary authorities for handling.
5.4.2 Complaint handling procedure
申訴處理小組工作組應在收到申訴后 10 個工作日內確認收到申訴,在基于申訴是否符合5.3的基礎上確認接受或拒絕申訴。
The Complaint Handling Team shall confirm the receipt of the complaint within 10 business days upon receipt of the complaint, and confirm the acceptance or rejection of the complaint based on whether the complaint meets 5.3.
If the complaint is rejected, a written explanation shall be provided for the complainant and recorded. No further action shall be taken.
With regard to particularly important complaint information, the Complaint Handling Team shall investigate, review and decide the grievance or complaint within 45 business days after deciding to accept it. The team shall make best endeavors to finish the work before the deadline. Extra time may be needed in a very few cases. The Complaint Handling Team shall take reasonable measures, including convening one or more meetings, to make a reasonable decision. Examples of such measures include:
Consultant expert
Request the complainant or others to provide more information
If the complainant refuses to cooperate, it can be deemed as a reason for suspending the procedure. The Complaint Handling Team shall decide whether to suspend the complaint procedure through consensus.
The complaint decision shall be conveyed to the complainant in written form and the complaint decision shall include:
Complaint decision
How and when was the complaint decision made?
Any new suggestions
The Compliance Officer shall regularly summarize risk handling results, and publicize the complaint contents, handling methods and handling results in the official website of the Company. The Compliance Risk Control Officer is responsible for supervising the implementation of risk mitigation measures throughout the process and reporting the progress to the Compliance Director daily. After implementation of the risk mitigation measures is completed, the Compliance Director shall regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the measures and makes summary and evaluation.
5.5 Record of complaint
The Complaint Handling Team shall record the complaints received, including the following contents:
Who submitted the complaint and time;
Type, problem or theme of the complaint and the information submitted with the complaint;
Accept or reject the decision.