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Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. 


Year 2022


Due Diligence Management Compliance Report of Gold and Silver Supply Chain



January 10, 2023



Company name: Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd.

位    置:深圳市寶安區石巖街道上屋社區坑尾大道35號磁通廠廠房1一層

Address: 1/F., Citong Factory Building 1, No.35 Kengwei Boulevard, Shangwu Community, Shiyan Sub-district, Baoan District, Shenzhen City


Year-end report: 2022 LBMA Due Diligence Management Compliance Report of Supply Chain


Report date: January 10, 2023


Person in charge of the Report: Shi Wei

報告人職務:合規風控總監  13066888690@163.com

Title of Reporter: Compliance Risk Control Director 13066888690@163.com



I. Company profile


Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Point Gold) was established in 2015 with a registered capital of RMB 150 million. Relying on the deep processing and trade of precious metals, Point Gold engages in all aspects of precious metals refining, such as innovation, recycling, safety and environmental protection, green development and smart society, forming a “double-high” enterprise advantage with high economic efficiency and high R & D capability. Meanwhile, Point Gold is provided with a number of national policy access licenses and qualifications, which lays a solid foundation for the future development of the enterprise!


The Factory of Point Gold is located in No.35 Kengwei Boulevard, Shiyan Sub-district, Baoan District. The plant is equipped with hundreds of professionals. The whole production process can be 70% automated and is targeted to solve the three technical problems involved in the production process: environmental protection, comprehensive recovery of gold resources and zero discharge of production wastewater, forming a circular economy development model of the precious metals industry. The product production line covers precious metals such as gold, silver, palladium and platinum with dozens of forms and qualities and hundreds of specifications. The Factory of Point Gold is equipped with advanced equipment and leading technique. The annual gold purification quantity and the annual silver purification quantity of precious metals of Point Gold can reach more than 70 tons and more than 100 tons respectively until now.


II. Overview of counterparties


The gold and silver raw materials of the Company are recycled gold and recycled silver from the society, mainly jewelry, investment gold bars and silver bars.


III. Overview of compliance


The Company conducted the due diligence supply chain investigation on all counterparties and required that the sources of the raw materials provided by all counterparties shall be legal and compliant.

第一步 建立強大的公司管理體系

Step 1: Establish strong company management systems


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 1: Establish strong company management systems.


The Company strictly abided by the requirements of “establishing strong company management systems” in Step 1 of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance and has established strong management systems to ensure the full implementation of the supply chain due diligence.


1. Policy aspect


The Company adopted and issued the Supply Chain Management Policy for Responsible Sourcing of Gold and Silver to cover all risks in Appendix II of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, and extend to anti-terrorism financing, environmental, social and governance risks. The policy has been approved by the Risk Compliance Director and published on the Company’s official website link: http://www.mashylw.com/news/gongsixinwen/111.html in both Chinese and English and has been conveyed to all internal employees and all gold and silver counterparties, with all communication records filed.


The Policy requires the Company and its counterparties to strictly abide by the national laws and regulations on employee rights, environmental protection, fair trade and other laws and regulations and vigorously engage in the supply chain due diligence to ensure that the sources of mined gold and silver and recycled gold and silver meet the LBMA’s due diligence management requirements. Besides, The Policy requires the Company and its counterparties to make a commitment to refuse gold and silver from areas involving human rights violations, conflicts, bribery, money laundering, terrorist financing, illegal mining and world heritage sites and other high-risk areas of mercury mining, with a view to guaranteeing responsible procurement of gold and silver. Besides, the complaint channels established by the Company were also included in the policy to identify any other potential risks in the supply chain.


The Company reviews the contents of the policy once a year and updates the policy according to actual conditions and the requirements of industry standards.


The Company established EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) principles and standards, and promised to follow EITI principles.


The Company established Rules and Regulations on Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorist Financing to guarantee that the Company itself is not involved with the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing.


2. Management structure


The Company conducted the due diligence supply chain investigation on all counterparties and required that the sources of the raw materials provided by all counterparties shall be legal and compliant.


2.1 Rules and regulations


The Company formulated the Due Diligence Management Procedure for Responsible Sourcing of Gold and Silver and Due Diligence Management Policy of Supply Chain according to the LBMA Responsible Gold (Silver) Guidance, which mainly clarifies the organizational structure, responsibilities and definition of high-risk areas of supply chain due diligence and formulates high-risk supply chain assessment standards, investigation and handling procedures, transaction monitoring, document preservation, etc. The above systems were issued in the form of official documents after being approved by the Compliance Risk Control Director, Chairman and Board of Directors as document control.


2.2 Responsibility and authority


The Company sets Compliance Risk Control Director, Compliance Risk Control Officer and Compliance Officer.


The Compliance Risk Control Director is in charge of the Company’s supply chain due diligence by the Company’s Deputy General Manager. Specifically, the Compliance Director is responsible for the establishment and improvement of the due diligence management system of supply chain, the supervision of the supply chain due diligence process, the coordination and handling of abnormalities in the supply chain due diligence and the approval of the Compliance Report.


The Compliance Risk Control Officer is the person in charge of the Finance Department of the operation sector to be responsible for all matters related to the due diligence management of supply chain. Specifically, the Compliance Risk Officer takes charge of the formulation and updating of the supply chain due diligence policies and systems, the formulation of the high-risk supply chain assessment standards and the implementation of the supply chain due diligence measures, the guidance, coordination and reporting of the Company’s risk assessment, response and implementation, the supervision and check of the implementation and assessment of all departments and the reporting of abnormalities in supply chain due diligence. At the same time, the Compliance Risk Officer is responsible for the review of the supply chain due diligence, the assessment on whether the due diligence is sufficient, the collection of additional documents or information if necessary, the organization of employee training on the responsible supply chain, the preparation and updating of supply chain policies and the supply of appropriate information for the senior managers to perform their duties.


The Compliance Officer is appointed by the Business Department, Logistics Department, Finance Department and the Factory and is responsible for the strict implementation of the supply chain due diligence measures and high-risk supply chain assessment standards, the collection and retention of sufficient supply chain supporting documents, the establishment of counterparty due diligence files and the regular on-site investigation on important counterparties.


The Company established an accountability mechanism for the Compliance Risk Control Officer and the Compliance Officer to ensure the effective implementation of supply chain due diligence and avoid high-risk supply chain transactions through supervision and inspection. Officers concerned were required to regularly report the supply chain due diligence to senior managers and convene internal meetings in time.


On December 13, 2022, the Company conducted a management review on the due diligence management system of gold and silver in 2022, and output a management review report to be submitted to the Compliance Risk Director and senior management.


3. Strong internal traceability systems


The Company established a set of supply chain traceability systems for realizing the collection and maintenance of the supply chain information of each batch of products, and the distribution of a unique number to each batch of products out of the warehouse.


3.1 Supply chain traceability systems


The credit investigation will be implemented on all counterparties. After the credit investigation of collecting and reviewing the supplier qualification, business operation, shareholder information, material source through the due diligence questionnaire is passed, the contract will be signed to stipulate that the raw materials are legal and in line with LBMA Due Diligence Policy. For each batch of incoming materials sent by the counterparties, it shall be provided with the corresponding ex-warehouse sheet, indicating the product type, weight, acceptance personnel and the supplier’s signature for confirmation. After smelting, sampling and testing for the incoming materials, the incoming materials finally form standard bullion with a unique number and are traded through Shanghai Gold Exchange.


The Company will supervise all transactions to ensure the consistency between the transactions and the supply chain investigation.


The Company will inspect the due diligence of the supply chain. Each batch of incoming materials will be provided with unique number and traceable production information. Complete documents and data will be kept for all raw materials warehousing, and the gold materials received shall be provided with warehouse-in sheet, inspection sheet, financial vouchers, etc.; while the silver materials received shall be provided with incoming material warehouse-in sheet, inspection sheet, financial vouchers, etc. Besides, it is necessary to clarify the data that each department should collect and save in daily work. The Business Department, Testing Department and Finance Department should save the relevant documents, and regularly send the relevant data to the archives room for filing, with a retention period of over 5 years.


3.2 Maintenance of data


In the process of the business operation, relevant records such as ID card of customers, identity verification data, business license, qualification verification data, the supplier due diligence questionnaire form, the in-warehouse sheet, ex-warehouse sheet and test sheet of each batch of materials shall be kept for more than 5 years.


3.3 Training


The Company incorporates the due diligence management training of supply chain into the Company’s annual training plan every year. The Company works on implementing the due diligence management of supply chain through organizing the Company’s key posts and Compliance Officer to accept training regarding the requirements and contents of the due diligence management of supply chain and LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance. Two times of training on LBMA-related knowledge were organized for the personnel of relevant departments of the Company and management personnel and production personnel of the Factory on May 16 and December 22, 2022. On March 3, 2022, the Company also organized training on compliance with EITI and kept corresponding training records.


3.4 Payment through official bank channels


When the Company pays for goods, the Marketing Department initiates the countersignature procedure for capital matters, makes online payment through the bank where the Company’s basic account is located, and prints the bank receipt as a voucher attachment for the supervision of government departments.


4. Strengthen cooperation and assist the trading parties of the gold and silver supply chain to establish due diligence capability


The Company encourages long-term relationships based on trust and mutual recognition with counterparties, especially those counterparties comply with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and extend to environmental and sustainability responsibilities.


The Company will forward the policies and requirements of the gold and silver supply chain to the relevant transaction participants by e-mail, so as to enhance the ability of supply chain participants to conduct due diligence and support the EITI principle. The Company and counterparties shall strictly abide by the provisions of the contract and the law, with assistance to be provided for counterparties to establish due diligence capability to a greater extent. On May 10, 2022, the Company organized gold and silver counterparties to receive due diligence training to improve their due diligence ability. The training sign-in form and photos were filed.


All counterparties of the Company are required to sign the Commitment on Social Responsibility of Counterparties, with the commitment to abide by the Company’s Due Diligence Management Procedure for Responsible Sourcing of Gold and Silver incorporated into the procurement contract and corresponding contracts signed with counterparties, thus ensuring that the sources of gold and silver are legal and compliant in line with LBMA’s regulations. Major customers trading with the Company shall have the invoices of their downstream customers filed to avoid the risk of tax evasion.


5. Establish a confidential complaint mechanism



The Company uses the official website link: http://www.mashylw.com/news/gongsixinwen/165.html to publish the telephone number and email and allow employees and external stakeholders to express their doubts about the responsible gold and silver supply chain, mining, trade, processing and export, as well as concerns about the supply chain or any newly identified risks. Meanwhile, the Company has established excellent complaint handling procedures to protect privacy of the complaining party throughout the complaint process and keep the informant’s information confidential to further eliminate retaliation for any behavior.


In 2022, the Company received no complaints from internal employees and external stakeholders.

第二步 供應鏈風險的識別與評估

Step 2: Identify and assess risk in the supply chain


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 2: Identify and assess risk in the supply chain.

1. 識別受沖突影響和高風險區域

1. Identity conflict-affected and high-risk areas


The Company strictly abided by the requirements of “Identify and assess risk in the supply chain” in Step 2 of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance and formulated Identification Procedure of Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (including standards, cited resources and processes) to fully identify zero-tolerance risks and high-risk risks in the gold and silver supply chain, and to assess and manage the identified risks.


The following resources are mainly cited in the Identification Procedure of Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas formulated by the Company to identify conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) in the supply chain of the Company:

1. 聯合國制裁清單

1. United Nations sanctions list

2. 多德弗蘭克法案第1502

2. Article 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act

3. 歐盟CAHRA清單

3. EU CAHRA List

4. 《海德堡晴雨表》

4. Heidelberg Conflict Barometer

5. 《脆弱國家指數》

5. Fragile States Index

6. 聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處

6. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

7. 反洗錢金融行動特別工作組(簡稱FATF)報告

7. Report of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)

8. 高風險黃金中心/轉運中心和高洗錢風險國家/地區的可靠市場情報

8. Reliable market intelligence of high-risk gold centers/transit centers and countries/regions with high money laundering risk


It shall be ensured that resources cited above are updated at least once a year, or reassessment should be carried out for conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) when the resources mentioned above are updated.


The Company mainly purchased the recovered materials of jewelry and investment gold/silver ingots from the market of China and Hong Kong, China in mid-2022. According to above resources, China and Hong Kong, China do not belong to conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Hence, no conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) were identified by the Company in its gold and silver supply chains in 2022.

2. 風險評估標準

2. Risk assessment criteria


According to requirements of the latest LBMA responsible gold and silver guidance and types of materials purchased by the Company (recycled gold and recycled silver), the Company is required to identify whether the following zero tolerance risks and high risks exist in the supply chain of recycled gold and recycled silver, including:


Zero tolerance risks:

1. 以違反國際制裁(包括但不吸納與聯合國、歐盟、英國和美國制裁)的方式采購再生金/

1. Mined or recycled gold/silver is purchased in violation of international sanctions (including but not limited to sanctions of the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States)

2. 再生金/銀的供應對手方、其他已知的上游公司或其最終受益人(UBO)是已知的洗錢者、欺詐者或恐怖分子,或曾嚴重侵犯人權,或直接或間接支持非法非國家武裝組織

2. The supply counterparties of recycled gold/silver, other known upstream companies or their ultimate beneficiary owners (UBOs) are known money launderers, fraudsters or terrorists, or have seriously violated human rights, or have directly or indirectly supported illegal non-state armed organizations


High risks:

1. 基于位置的風險, 再生金/銀:

1. Based on the risks of location, recycled gold/silver:

a. 來自于CAHRA,或曾在該 CAHRA 過境或通過該 CAHRA 運輸

a. comes from CAHRA, or has been transit or transported through such CAHRA

b. 據稱來自已知或合理懷疑來自 CAHRA 的黃金/白銀過境的國家/地區及/或據稱來自黃金/白銀出口量有限的國家/地區

b. is alleged to come from countries/regions where gold from CAHRA is known or reasonably suspected to be in transit or is alleged to come from countries with limited gold/silver exports.

2. 基于供應商的風險,交易對手方或其他已知的上游公司:

2. Based on the risks of suppliers, the counterparties or other known upstream companies:

a. 在具有高洗錢風險的國家/地區運營

a. operate in countries/regions with high money laundering risks

b. 具有符合基于位置高風險標準的股東或 UBO 或其他黃金/白銀供應權益

b. have interests of shareholders or UBOs or other gold supply interests that meet the location-based high-risk criteria

c. 具有身為政治人物 (PEP) UBO

c. have UBO as politically exposed persons (PEP)

d. 從事高風險商業活動(如軍火、賭博和娛樂業、古董和藝術、教派及其領袖)

d. engage in high-risk business activities (such as arms, gambling and entertainment, antiques and arts, sects and their leaders)

e. 已知在過去 12 個月曾從高風險國家/地區采購黃金/白銀

e. are known to have purchased gold/silver from high-risk countries/regions in the past 12 months

f. 與供應鏈中的供應商或對手方之間有重要且無法解釋的運輸路線

f. there are important and unexplained transportation routes with suppliers or counterparties in the supply chain

3. 基于物料類型的風險,再生金/銀:

3. Based on the risks of material type, recycled gold/silver:

a. 來自具有高風險供應鏈的中間精煉廠或交易商或從具有高風險供應鏈的中間精煉廠采購的交易對手方

a. comes from intermediate refineries or dealers with high risk supply chain or counterparties purchased from intermediate refineries with high risk supply chain

3. 評估供應鏈風險

3. Assess supply chain risks


The Company established the Know Your Counterparty Questionnaire to fully understand the counterparty and identify risks, and conducted due diligence on the supply chain through the following measures to establish the counterparty file. The following processes and the establishment of the counterparty file need to be completed for the new counterparty before signing the contract.


(1) Qualification verification. For all counterparties, the due diligence management investigation of the supply chain shall be conducted. Before cooperation, the partners are required to provide corresponding qualification certificates and the legal customers are required to provide business licenses. Individual customers are required to provide copies of ID cards. Mine customers are required to provide mining licenses and environmental impact assessment certification and the miners are required to wear labour protection appliances, health and safety transactions and physical examination of occupational diseases.

2)建立交易方檔案。對交易方基本情況、股東信息、實際控股人、交易方管理層架構、提供原料類型及產地、計劃精煉貴金屬類型、與其交易方結算方式、 其交易方概況等信息進行詳細調查、反洗錢和反恐怖主義融資、負責任采購盡職調查情況、并盡可能的將供應鏈調查向交易方的上游延伸,來了解供應鏈、供應商、所涉及的國家和地區以及物料是否存在零容忍的風險和高風險。

(2) Establish a counterparty file. Investigate the basic information of the counterparty, shareholders’ information, actual shareholders, management structure of the counterparty, types of raw materials provided and places of origin, types of precious metals to be refined, settlement methods with the counterparty, overview of the counterparty and other information, conduct due diligence on anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing, and responsible procurement, and extend the supply chain investigation to the upstream of the counterparty as far as possible, with a view to ascertaining whether there are zero-tolerance risks and high risks in the supply chain, suppliers, countries and regions involved and materials.


(3) Establish the incoming material register. Due diligence is required to be carried out for the date, weight, raw material source and main upstream counterparties of the current batch of incoming materials of the supplier to further judge the risk level of incoming materials.


(4) Establish the workflow of special research reports about customers. When visiting customers, the Company traces the source of raw materials and conveys the due diligence management policy of gold and silver smelting companies to counterparties. Besides, the customers are required to sign on the policy.


With Due Diligence Checklist and Risk Assessment Form established, the Company conducted a risk assessment for counterparties and their materials according to the collected information. In case of any zero-tolerance risk identified, the Department Compliance Officer should immediately report it to the Compliance Risk Control Officer who will report it to the Compliance Director to immediately terminate the existing business cooperation with the counterparty. Concerning any high risks identified, the Company conducted enhance due diligence for counterparties through on-site visits according to the List of On-site Visits to determine whether there are any high risks.


The Company collected Know Your Counterparty of all gold and silver suppliers to collect relevant information of the supply chain and completed the Due Diligence Checklist and Risk Assessment Form. The Company carried out risk assessment for each supply chain according to the above risk assessment standards and zero tolerance risk and high risk were not identified in the supply chain of gold and silver in 2022.

4. 向高級管理層報告風險評估

4. Report risk assessment to the senior management


With risk assessment reporting system established, the Company reported the risk assessment results to the Compliance Director and formulated and implemented corresponding risk mitigation plan according to the risk assessment results. The Company reported the risk assessment results in 2022 to the Risk Director and also reported them to senior management of the Company.

第三步 設計并實施策略來應對已識別的風險

Step 3: Design and implement a management strategy to respond to identified risks


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 3: Design and implement a management system to respond to identified risks.


The Company strictly abided by the requirements of “Design and implement a management strategy to respond to identified risks” in Step 3 of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance. No zero tolerance risk and high risk were not identified and assessed in 2022. Therefore, there was no need to establish and execute the risk mitigation plan.


The Company established a risk mitigation procedure for the supply chain as required by the latest edition of LBMA responsible gold and silver guidance, and formulated a risk mitigation strategy in the following ways, including:

1. 一旦發現零容忍的風險,公司將立即與交易對手方終止現有的業務合作關系,并將該問題匯報給合規總監。

1. The Company will immediately terminate the existing business cooperation relationship with the counterparty if the risk of zero tolerance is found and report the problem to the Compliance Director.

2. 在經過加強型盡職調查后,供應鏈中出現如下風險時,立即終止與供應商的合作:

2. In case of the following risks in the supply chain after enhanced due diligence, the cooperation with suppliers will be immediately terminated:

a. 洗錢、恐怖主義融資。

a. Money laundering and terrorist financing.

b. 嚴重侵犯人權。

b. Serious violations of human rights.

c. 對非法非國家武裝集團的直接或間接支持。

c. Direct or indirect support for illegal non-state armed groups.

d. 對礦物來源的欺詐性虛假陳述,或者認為這種可能性過高。

d. Fraudulent misrepresentation of the source of minerals, or with such high possibility.

3. 如果盡職調查結果不完全令人滿意,或懷疑盡職調查結果存在以下可能性時,在執行風險緩解的過程中暫時停止與供應商的合作。一旦從供應商處獲取到解決懷疑的信息以及回應后,在風險合規總監批復后,可恢復與供應商的合作:

3. If the due diligence result is not completely satisfactory, or if it is suspected that the due diligence result has the following possibilities, the cooperation with suppliers shall be temporarily suspended during the risk mitigation. After the information and response to solve the doubt are obtained from the suppliers, the cooperation with the supplier can be resumed upon approval of the Risk Compliance Director:

a. 洗錢、恐怖主義融資。

a. Money laundering and terrorist financing.

b. 嚴重侵犯人權。

b. Serious violations of human rights.

c. 對非法非國家武裝集團的直接或間接支持。

c. Direct or indirect support for illegal non-state armed groups.

d. 對礦物來源的欺詐性虛假陳述,或者認為這種可能性過高

d. Fraudulent misrepresentation of the source of minerals, or with such high possibility.

e. 嚴重違反環境、健康、安全、勞工和社區相關的地方法和/ESG 風險,極有可能造成嚴重不利影響。

e. Serious violation of environmental, health, safety, labor and community-related local methods and/or ESG risks, which is highly likely to cause serious adverse effects.

4. 如果盡職調查結果不完全令人滿意,或認為雖然存在以下情況,但對手方已作出合理和善意的努力,可在執行風險緩解的過程中繼續保持與供應商的合作:

4. If the due diligence result is not completely satisfactory, or if it is considered that the counterparty has made reasonable efforts in good faith despite the following circumstances, the cooperation with suppliers can be kept during execution of risk mitigation:

a. 賄賂

a. Bribery

b. 非欺詐性誤報礦物產地

b. Non-fraudulent misreporting of mineral origin

c. 未支付應付政府的稅收、費用和特許權使用費

c. Failure to pay taxes, fees and royalties due to the government

d. 嚴重違反環境、健康、安全、勞工和社區相關的地方法和/ESG 風險,極有可能造成嚴重不利影響。

d. Serious violation of environmental, health, safety, labor and community-related local methods and/or ESG risks, which is highly likely to cause serious adverse effects.


High-risk or suspected high-risk incoming materials shall be registered separately and notified to the refining workshop. The corresponding raw materials shall be melted separately and shall not be mixed with the raw materials from other customers in the whole process flow. The finished gold and silver produced by such raw materials shall be numbered separately and stored separately with other finished gold and silver in the vault.


Furthermore, with a monitoring process for execution of the risk mitigation plan established, the Company formulated quantitative indicators and time nodes for the execution of the plan to ensure effective execution of the risk mitigation plan. In case new risks occur or the Company’s supply chain structure and/or counterparty changes, the Company will re-assess the risks and adjust the risk mitigation plan according to the actual conditions, thus guaranteeing effective risk management. The progress and results of risk mitigation also need to be reported to the Risk Director as specified by procedures.

第四步 對精煉商的盡職調查實踐開展獨立的第三方審計。

Step 4: Arrange for an independent third-party audit of the refiner due diligence


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 4: Arrange for an independent third-party financial audit.


The Company strictly abided by the requirements of “arranging for an independent third-party audit of the refiner due diligence” in Step 4 of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance and hired RCS Global to audit the Company’s 2022 supply chain due diligence system in 2023.


Since 2015, the Company has hired an independent third-party audit institution to audit its financial affairs and issue audit reports every year.

第五步 供應鏈盡職調查年度報告

Step 5: Annual report on supply chain due diligence


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 5: Report on supply chain due diligence.


The Company strictly abided by the requirements of “annual report on supply chain due diligence” in Step 5 of LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance.


The Company publicizes the supply chain due diligence policy of Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. every year.


The management strategy of risk mitigation for counterparties was not needed according to the due diligence result in 2022. In 2022, no zero tolerance risk and high risk about gold and silver supply chain were identified, without counterparties requiring “suspend cooperation” or “terminate cooperation”. The due diligence management compliance report of supply chain will be publicized on the official website of the Company.


IV. Management conclusion


In conclusion, in the financial year ending December 31, 2022, Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. implemented effective management systems, procedures, processes and practices in accordance with the requirements of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance. Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. is committed to continuous improvement and all corrective measures will be regularly monitored internally. The corrective action plan is communicated separately to implementing agencies of LBMA and the management personnel of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance.


V. Other report comments


If users of this report wish to provide any feedback to Shenzhen Point Gold Refining Co., Ltd. with respect to this report, please contact relevant department of the Enterprise by E-mail :gzcx1259@163.com。
